New Year’s Post 2020

I missed my new year’s post last year, and maybe the year before, and I haven’t been as active on here lately. I try not to make a habit of apologizing for that sort of thing, but hopefully I’ll be able to post more regularly. I have a few book reviews I’m behind on, so that’s definitely coming.

Anyway, I’m not going to bother hunting down a several years old new year’s post to review the previous one, because there’s none for last year, I’m just going to forge ahead here, because I ain’t got time for shit.

As usual, I’m not making New Year’s “resolutions” – making New Year’s goals is much more positive. So, onward:

  • Find another flying job. Sadly my position at the place I started at last year ceased to be full time, and I can’t afford to work part time, so I haven’t been flying for a bit, and have been just back dispatching for the medevac op. I haven’t been wanting to start anything new because various stuff – husband’s health is garbage, stress over that, yada yada, ugh – yeah, okay, I’m a procrastinator and I hate change. But I need to get out of my rut and get going with the job hunt.
  • On that note, not die. When I started flying, my husband would tell me every time I headed out to the airport, “don’t die.” So once I get another flying job, as always safety is first. Luckily I’ve never been a big risk taker.
  • Canning: This is new. Actually, I literally just thought of this today, lol. My Grandma used to can soups, and it seems like a great way to prep good, healthy meals when I have time to, and preserve them for when I ain’t got time for shit. With Nathan’s ever fluctuating dietary restrictions (as I said, his health is garbage), it makes it difficult to buy quick, easy meals cheaply and keep them on hand. And if it makes me feel a bit closer to my Grandma, that makes me happy too.
  • Writing: I haven’t been doing a lot of writing lately. My computer has been down for long periods of time – in fact, I should totally do a post on the most recent keyboard repair, because that was a six hour fuss with a lot of tiny screws, and holy jeeze, I’ve never dismantled my laptop to that extent before. But I need to get the revision of Skybound done. I really love that story and all the characters, and my beta readers have loved what they’ve heard so far too, and that needs to get finished.
  • Critique group – we need to get back to scheduling meetings, damn. Gonna get a hold of the organizer and… oh wait, apparently that’s me.
  • Art: this just in – after like, ten years away from art, I’ve gotten back into it. I started with the adult colouring books, which I puttered away at while I was at work. But the itch started, and I started experimenting with other mediums. Then one day, for no reason I could put my finger on, I pulled out my old watercolours, and realized of all the mediums I’ve tried, I’m a watercolour artist. So art wise, before I get into anything really ambitious (like a webcomic or something crazy like that….) I need to work on my drawing skills. I’m not a bad drawer, I just need more practice so I don’t spend so much time getting the drawing part down. So I’m going to try and do art at least 6 days a week. I’m going to let myself have days off of art, and I’m gonna allow myself to bank art vacation days, but at least six days a week on average, I’m going to work on some kind of art. It doesn’t have to be a finished piece, or be any good, I’ll count it if I’m working on a larger piece, or just a practice study of something. I’ll try to do Inktober again, and I’m toying with doing Mermay, Junicorn. I definitely want to do World Watercolour month.

I think that’s plenty for this year. Maybe I’ll post a bit of art stuff, though I’m not sure if the readers of the blog would be interested. If I end up going the webcomic route, I’ll definitely post that stuff here, because it’s more writing related. But general art, I’m not sure if I should leave that outside the scope of the blog. I don’t want to start a new blog for art – I have one for my african violets already that I don’t update regularly, lol.

What say you all? Should I post art related stuff here? Fair warning, I may have a tendency to talk about really technical art stuff. Like, my husband is getting tired of hearing about pigment numbers.